A patient who previously had seasonal allergy symptoms to grass now has year round symptoms because of the warmer climate overall and the extension of grass season.

Tree pollen season is starting three weeks earlier and seasonal allergy symptoms are more severe and last longer.

Because of the late spring and rain, the pollen counts have been higher and our allergic patients not doing well. Also, we have seen many new patients having Allergic Rhinitis that in a normal pollen year would not need to be seen.

Tree pollen count elevations and seasonal rhinitis have been occurring earlier than “usual” and lasting longer for 4- 5 years now compared to averages from the previous 20 years

Many patients are experiencing more prolonged and severe seasonal allergy symptoms due to changes in weather and pollination patterns.

A lot of my patients have allergic rhinitis symptoms earlier and earlier in the year – pollen patterns don’t seem to follow the known patterns.


The onset of symptoms due to ash tree pollination in Southern California used to be early February; now patients are becoming symptomatic in early January. Another major trigger of morbidity is Santa Ana Winds due to arid air. When I began practice they were occasionally present primarily in the fall. Now they are frequently occurring in the fall through winter months.

Too many patients that I have seen moving to Houston with its humidity and pollution becoming much worse correlated with pollution levels more than airborne allergen levels. The cloud over Houston is impressive in the summer fall.

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